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Dr. Mahbub Alam


School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Independent University, Bangladesh
Phone: 8401645-52 ext-349
 Email: mahbubalam@iub.edu.bd
PhD Durham, UK MSS Jahangirnagar University

Anthropology, Indigenous (or Local) Knowledge, Livelihood, PM & E (Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation), Natural Resource Management and Livelihood, Local Governance, Development; Folklore and Ethnomusicology

Mahbub Alam, Head of Social Science and Humanities Department under School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (SLASS) at the Independent University, Bangladesh. Mahbub Alam has obtained his PhD degree in Anthropology from the University of Durham, U.K 2001. .He is named as the visiting Fellow at the Department of Anthropology, University of Durham, U.K. Alam was a visiting faculty member of BRAC University, and on few occasions delivered lecture at the Department of Anthropology in Dhaka University. Recently he has visited Uppsala University and Gothenburg University (Sweden) to deliver lectures on indigenous knowledge and natural resources management in Bangladesh. Mahbub Alam has a total of 21 years of experience in working in the development sector. Distinctive expertise of Alam includes use of Folklore and Ethnomusicology in community empowerment, promotion and sharing of Indigenous (or local) Knowledge, Livelihood, qualitative and quantitative research approaches, Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation, Natural Resource Management and Local Governance and Gender, Gender Issues (Gender and identity, cultural construction of gender, transgender issues etc). Since the year 1992 Mahbub Alam has worked with NGOs, national and international academic institutes, research institute, UN organization and international official and NGO donor agencies. His major job experiences include editing international journal of indigenous knowledge, providing methodological support for different projects, principal researcher, research investigator, research fellow and organizer of popular theatre. Mahbub Alam has published a good number of articles in international peer reviewed Journals and edited books. He has attended many international conferences and contributed papers which were published in the conference proceedings. One of his Bengali books on ‘Boat Race Festival’ was published from Bangl Academy in 1998. Organizations for which Mahbub Alam has served and undertaken project-task include ITAD Limited UK , DFID-UK, Bangladesh Resource Center for Indigenous Knowledge (BARCIK), International Rice Research Institute-Philippines, MESEREOR- Germany, International Development Research Center-Canada , UNESCO, University of Durham-UK, UNDCP, University of Gothenburg-Sweden, Folklore department, Bangla Academy and GSS-Bangladesh. He is affiliated with many national, regional and global civil society forums