Discussion on Post-Self-Assessment Improvement Plan (PSAIP) held at IQAC, IUB
A discussion on Post-Self-Assessment Improvement Plan (PSAIP) organized by the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) was held on October 31, 2019 at IUB. The objective of the discussion was to facilitate the improvement plan in order to prepare the development strategy for the upcoming four years.
Professor Dr. Milan Pagon, Vice Chancellor (Acting) of IUB inaugurated the event while respected Deans, Heads of departments, Heads and members of Self-Assessment Committees (SACs) of IUB took part in the open discussion. In his remarks, Professor Pagon emphasized on the time frame of the final progress of the improvement plan. He clarified that mere planning is not enough unless we put our best in order to accomplish the target in time. Professor Pagon further accentuated IUB’s commitment for excellence in higher education and requested everyone to realize this into a series of strategic actions in order to enhance the learning experience.
Earlier, Professor Dr. Sarwar Uddin Ahmend, Director, IQAC of IUB welcomed the distinguished audience and explained the whole content of the discussion. Mr. Obydullah Al Marjuk, Additional Director, IQAC of IUB presented a short compendium of activities and initiatives related to the PSAIP. The event was organized by the IQAC team under the supervision of Mr. Salman Shakil Farhan, Administrative Officer and Ms. Sharmila Sarkar, Communication Officer.